"And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes."  

Deuteronomy 6:8


IN one'S heart begins with the imputation of ALMIGHTY god to the soul. 

in the old testament, the lord gave US clues. he said, "you will be my people" and he instructed moses about sealing this relationship between the hand and the forehead. 

kings wear a crOWN and hold A royal sceptRE in their RIGHT hand. 


this exercise has been passed down for thousands AND THOUSANDS of years, concerning the royal blue sapphire revealed only to god's people. 

here it's transcribed FROM my BOOK "emblem america."

Sit in a chair or lie upon your bed comfortably.

Close your eyes.

You’re about to take a magnificent journey, so simple a child could do it.

You’re about to seek stillness and calm, something Holy, and it’s your Royal Birthright. Once you start, you’ll begin walking steps on the pathway to Jesus Christ our Lord, to His door. His remarkable Peace awaits you there.

So, take a deep breath.

Simply allow your two hands--the right hand over the left--to rest upon one another, on your chest or lap.

Breathe out. Relax.

Begin to “notice” your right hand. Rather than “feel” or “think about” your right hand with any effort, gently “notice” it. There is an important difference, you will soon discover.

Gently “notice” your right hand, placed on your chest or lap, nothing else.

Do this calmly and without effort.

Notice how calm and serene your right hand is. There is no worry, fear or self-doubt contained in your right hand. It exists in a state of total peace. Have you ever noticed this?

Continue to notice the state of peace of your right hand.

“Notice” how “present” your right hand is. Like noticing a resting cat upon a window sill, notice the serenity and calm of your right hand.

“Notice” how your right hand exists separately from your busy mind, and unlike your busy mind, so effortlessly stays in the Lord’s Stillness and Silence.

Keep “noticing” your right hand’s ability to be so quiet, peaceful and calm, unlike your busy mind.

Continue “noticing” your right hand… this same way.

You’re discovering a powerful way of being in the Lord’s Stillness and Silence.

Gently “notice” your right hand… again and again.

Now, while noticing your right hand, become aware of the center point of your forehead, Between thine eyes.”

Keeping your eyes closed, stand back in your head and look straight out, through the center point of your forehead, as if staring into a dark cavern.

The object is to keep “noticing” your right hand while staring into that cavern, as a calm, quiet observer of your thoughts.

“Notice” the endless river of thoughts streaming by. These thoughts may be pleasant, disturbing, or meaningless: “notice” them all, exactly the way you’re “noticing” your right hand. Don’t engage them. Watch them pass by as a detached observer. Nothing more.

Think of your right hand as a ship’s anchor. Every time one of your thoughts carries you away, like a cascading river, return to the Lord’s Stillness and Silence by “checking back” with your right hand on your chest or lap.

Continue doing this gently.

Do it again and again.

Please stay in the Lord’s Stillness and Silence.

Now--without words--ask our Lord Jesus to reveal to you the sparkling Blue Light. Ask with a longing heart, and you will be heard. Jesus, as promised, will share His peace with you.

It may not appear right away. It may take minutes, days, or weeks. But it will appear.

Ask again, with a longing heart, without words.

Continue “noticing” your right hand while looking upon the screen behind your forehead. Every time a thought whisks you away, down the cascading river, return to your anchor, “noticing” your right hand in the Lord’s Stillness and Silence.

Do this exercise twice every day: in the morning and night.

And the Blue Light will visit you.

You may first experience the sparkling blue sapphire unexpectedly, floating by, then with your eyes closed during this meditation exercise. It may come and go like a visiting friend, quite frequently.

Continue the Royal Bluelite Meditation Exercise and one day your mind will fill with a starburst of colors. You may be filled with unexplainable joy. Then one day white light will fill your mind completely.

Then no doubt or fear will enter you again, as the dark cannot co-exist with the Light.

Practice the Royal Bluelite Meditation Exercise daily.

All praise, honor and glory to Jesus Christ now and forever.
